1. PACK AS LIGHT AS YOU CAN-  A few days in a row, it's OK to wear the same t-shirt. Take half the clothes you think you're going to need... you're not going to need as many as you think. Write a list of necessities down, break it in half, and then just pack it! Plus, because you bought a little backpack like I said, you're not going to have a lot of room for extra things anyway!

2. TAKE AN EXTRA CREDIT CARD OR MONEY - Catastrophes happen. In case you get robbed or lose a passport, it's always nice to have a backup. Without access to your funds, you do not want to be stranded somewhere new. I had a card duplicated and a freeze put on it once. For the rest of my journey, I couldn't use it. I was really glad that I had an extra and not like my mate, who hadn't borrowed money from me all the time and was forced to!

3. DONT AFRAID TO USE MAPS- It is not as bad to look like a tourist as to get really lost and end up in the wrong neighbourhood. Don't be afraid to use a map or ask for directions and pose like a tourist. You are one after all! When I drive, I always use a map. This allows you to get to where you need to go!


4. BRING COPIES OF EXTRA DOCUMENT- Do not forget to give yourself a copy via e-mail, too. You never know when you may need to provide some kind of paperwork with you and may not want to bring the original with you. In addition, getting a copy can come in handy for your police report if your passport is stolen.

5. BRING A MEDKIT - Accidents are occurring, so be alert. For minor cuts and scrapes, I take band-aids, antibacterial cream, and ointments. You never know when you're going to need it because when you drive, you can't always get it.



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