Camping Tips To Keep You Safe

 Written by : Siti Nurafiqah binti Zulkifle

Camping activities in nature often provide extraordinary peace of mind, especially for those who want to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

For enthusiasts of extreme activities, of course they already understand the ins and outs of the forest and know how to find a solution in case of any problems.

For those who just want to get used to nature, here I include some tips for camping in order to ensure your safety, especially for those who are going camping for the first time.

1. Find the location before dark

The first thing you should do is find a location before it gets dark. You also need to determine if you want to use a tent, recreational vehicle or a cabin. For those who are camping for the first time, tents are the most suitable choice as you will feel closer to nature and more cheaper. When buying a tent, do not forget to ask the seller about the comfort and safety of a tent.

2. Choose a suitable sleeping bag

If you go camping alone, choosing the right sleeping bag is very important. Sleeping bags can help cover your entire body as well as warm the body in time. In addition, sleeping bags are also easier to fold. Most sleeping bags are made from synthetic fiber where they are easy to dry and anti-allergic.

3. Bring food supplies

Whether you are camping solo or in groups, food and drink are very important. You can bring easy-to-cook foods such as instant oats, instant noodles or bread. If you want to cook, you can use a zipped plastic bag to store your cooking ingredients.

4. Do not leave any trash

After completing your camping activities, you should clean the campsite and not leave any rubbish anywhere. In fact, you can not do anything bad to the nature such as breaking small trees. This is to ensure that future generations have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of this nature.

5. Choose appropriate clothing

Even if you are a fashion enthusiast, you may not want to wear a dress when going camping. Choose clothes that are comfortable and suitable for the weather and activities you want to do. During the day, thin clothes and sweat absorbing are important to make it easier for you to do activities such as hiking. At night, you are advised to bring long-sleeved shirts, socks and gloves to avoid insect bites such as mosquitoes. Not to forget, you should wear shoes that are covered and comfortable so that your feet do not hurt when doing activities.

6. Beware of insects and poisonous plants

Before setting up a tent, first look at the area around you. If the area has a lot of plants, you are advised to wear long-sleeved shirts as well as long pants. Do not forget to bring an insect protective lotion to prevent you from being bitten by insects. Itchy lotions are also important if you bump into any plants you are allergic to.

7. Avoid getting lost

If you are camping solo, consult with friends who have been to the same location. You may be able to get some useful tips. If camping in groups, make sure one of your friends knows the ins and outs of the place and knows how to use a compass.

8. Bring a survival kit

A typical survival kit consists of a metal container, a clean water container and a water filter. In addition, there are also small knives, matches and bandages. You can bring other items such as medicines and flashlights.

9. Maintain personal hygiene

Be sure to carry a bottle of hand sanitizer in your pocket and use it before you touch your face or food. You can also use a dry cloth to wipe the damp area so it is not damp. You are required to avoid applying scented lotions or creams as it will attract insects to come to you

10. More careful care if camping with children

Camping with children is definitely a challenge but it will be easy if you provide the equipment for them. Make sure they always wear appropriate long-sleeved clothing during the day and night. You can also give them small flashlights or glowing sticks. Before leave, set some rules that they must follow

By following these tips, I am sure you will enjoy your camping more safely. Maybe this camping activity can also be your monthly activity. There is nothing wrong with enjoying nature as long as you do not ruin it.


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