1. Start and choose the right trail base on your fitness level. 
Select a hike on a level or paved surface a little shorter than the distance you would usually travel. Calculate a speed of about 2 miles per hour to estimate the time needed to hike the trail. First, study the changes in the elevation and add an hour for every 1000 feet of gain to your projected hiking time. You'll have a sense of what distance and elevation shifts work well for you after you've been out once or twice.

2. Always check weather
Leading up to your walk, and testing the weather again a few hours before that. This will provide you with useful data on how to dress and what to pack. If the weather is supposed to be terrible, instead of being shocked on the trail, it will give you the opportunity to change plans.

3. Tell someone where you will be
It's important to know the itinerary and what time to worry and call for help from someone not on the hike. Notice that I didn't say, "when you plan to be finished." The "worry time" might be several hours later than your scheduled end to allow slow hiking, amazing views, or maybe a delay causing a sore ankle. Another choice is to bring an alert system, such as a SPOT tracker, allowing you to call for satellite emergency assistance. One caveat is that devices such as the SPOT are not an excuse for shirking responsibility for your own personal protection.

4. Wear a suitable shoes 
A hike can be ruined by sore feet. Invest in professional shoes and socks for hiking. This does not mean heavy leather boots, as opposed to the old hiking boots I began with, there are a lot of soft hikers" available that need little break-in. Still don't skimp on socks and no cotton, for goodness sake! The way to go is with wool or synthetic socks. Also just in case, prepare blister dressings.

5. Pack 10 essential thing
Gradually, the 10 basics have moved from a list of objects to a list of programmed. These are the systems that you should pack to stay healthy, including facing a likely overnight in the outdoors. Expand or minimize each scheme, depending on the duration and remoteness of your hike. A lightweight emergency blanket should be perfect on a short summer hike near utilities, for example. Anything more extensive would entail a remote winter walk, however. Here are the 10 systems that are essential:
  • Navigation (map & compass)
  • Sun protection (sunglasses & sunscreen)
  • Insulation (extra clothing)
  • Illumination (headlamp/flashlight)
  • First-aid supplies
  • Fire (waterproof matches/lighter/candle)
  • Repair kit and tools
  • Nutrition (extra food)
  • Hydration (extra water)
  • Emergency shelter (tent/plastic tube tent/garbage bag)

That all for basic tips , enjoyy your hikee !!!

Writer: Muhammad Firdaus B Zainol


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