Bloody Dawn at Bukit Kepong Police Station

 Written by : Siti Nurafiqah binti Zulkifle

Bukit Kepong Police Station is located about 37 miles from Bandar Muar and can only be reached by boat via the river road. The police station has a strength of 18 members and is assisted by five Auxiliary Police (AP).

On February 23, 1950, a bloody incident took place at this police station. The Bukit Kepong Police Station was attacked by a group of 180 communists starting around 5.00 am. The main purpose of this attack is to lift the spirits of those who have faded due to excessive defeat in battle. Furthermore, these communist terrorists have just suffered a severe defeat in Labis which has resulted in the deaths of 25 communist terrorists and injured 17 others.

They targeted the Bukit Kepong Police Station because they thought they would get an easy victory. This police station is located far inland and it is difficult to get help if they are attacked.

The communists surrounded the police station with half members at the front while the rest surrounded the police station. When one of the policemen shot dead a communist, the communists attacked from all angles, especially from the front. They hoped the attack would surprise the police but had to face fierce opposition from the police, especially from the two Bren Gun positions located inside the fort under the Control room. Despite the small strength of the members, the police led by Sergeant Jamil Mohd Shah refused to surrender despite being repeatedly called upon by the communists to surrender.

One by one members died as the fighting continued and two surviving police wives joined in the fight when they found their husbands killed during the fighting. The communists, who are increasingly depressed by the reluctance of the police to surrender, have used dirty tactics by killing women and children.

In the last moments of the great battle, the communists set fire to the barracks and the police station. Two women and their children were burned inside the barracks. After five hours of fighting, the communists managed to gain victory. They then retreated into the forest and  leaving traces of destruction and death. The communists also threw the wounded and the bodies of the dead members into the fire.

The incident killed 25 people comprising 14 policemen, five Auxiliary Police (AP) members, two wives, two children and two villagers. Meanwhile, four members were seriously injured.

This incident continues to be the fold of the history of our country because this incident is among the incidents of attacks on the police and shows the sacrifices made by every member and family in defending dignity, religion and race. Al Fatihah.


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